HS-1100WP Servo


Giant scale servos, watch out! Hitec's HS-1100WP waterproof, heavy-duty digital giant brings out-of-this-world torque performance and strength to all your large scale vehicles, airplanes and robotic projects. Made with impressively durable steel gears, robust EMI-shielded cases and an IP-67* rated code for maximum underwater protection, this addition to our giant servo line has Hitec's unrivaled industrial digital circuitry and engineering. Your world just got BIGGER with the HS-1100WP!

How Far Will This Servo Rotate?

The answer to this question is partially dependent on what you are using to control the servo.
Click for a quick video explanation.

With an Average Radio System:
Your average transmitter and receiver will output a relatively narrow PWM signal range.

Radio System + Travel Tuner:
Adding a Servo Travel Tuner to your radio system setup will allow you to achieve wide PWM signal ranges.

Wide Signal Controllers:
Controllers such as the Servo Commander, Arduinos, and Raspberry Pi servo hats can usually send a wide signal.


  • Non-programmable, Industrial Digital Circuitry
  • EMI-shielded Cases
  • Water Resistant (IP67)
  • Durable Steel Gears
  • 4S LiPo Compatible 
  • 5-Pole Carbon Brushed Motor

Tech Tips


Output Shaft Style D15T Spline
Voltage Range 11.1V - 14.8V
No-Load Speed (11.1V) 0.26 sec/60°
No-Load Speed (14.8V) 0.19 sec/60°
Stall Torque (11.1V) 1167 oz-in (84 kg.cm)
Stall Torque (14.8V) 1528 oz-in (110 kg.cm)
Motor Type 5-Pole Carbon Brushed Motor
Gear Material Steel
Weight 12.80 oz (363g)
IP Rating IP67
Servo Size Large
Max Rotation 139°
Travel per µs 0.099°/μsec
Max PWM Signal Range 800-2200µsec

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